All functions |
Converts a server-side R object into Boolean indicators |
Computes the absolute values of a variable |
Converts a server-side R object into a character class |
Converts a server-side R object into a matrix |
Converts a server-side numeric vector into a factor |
Converts a numeric vector into a factor |
Converts a server-side R object into an integer class |
Converts a server-side R object into a list |
Converts a server-side R object into a logical class |
Converts a server-side R object into a matrix |
Converts a server-side R object into a numeric class |
Assigns an R object to a name in the server-side |
Calculates the Area under the curve (AUC) |
Draw boxplot |
Renders boxplot |
Take a data frame on the server side an arrange it to pass it to the boxplot function |
Take a vector on the server side an arrange it to pass it to the boxplot function |
Draw boxplot with information from a numeric vector |
Draw boxplot with information from a data frame |
Calculates Blood pressure z-scores |
Combines values into a vector or list in the server-side |
Combines R objects by columns in the server-side |
Changes the reference level of a factor in the server-side |
Class of the R object in the server-side |
Produces column names of the R object in the server-side |
Identifies complete cases in server-side R objects |
Generates a contour plot |
Calculates the correlation of R objects in the server-side |
Tests for correlation between paired samples in the server-side |
Calculates the covariance of R objects in the server-side |
Generates a data frame object in the server-side |
Creates missing values columns in the server-side |
Sorts data frames in the server-side |
Sub-sets data frames in the server-side |
Generates a density grid in the client-side |
Retrieves the dimension of a server-side R object |
Copy a clientside data.frame, matrix or tibble to the serverside |
Basis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful coefficients |
Checks if an object is defined on the server-side |
Computes the exponentials in the server-side |
Secure ranking of a vector across all sources and use of these ranks to estimate global quantiles across all studies |
Forestplot for SLMA models |
Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
Computes the WHO Growth Reference z-scores of anthropometric data |
Fits Generalized Linear Model |
Applies predict.glm() to a serverside glm object |
Fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study Level Meta-Analysis (SLMA) |
Summarize a glm object on the serverside |
Fits Generalized Linear Mixed-Effect Models via Study-Level Meta-Analysis |
Generates a Heat Map plot |
Heterogeneous Correlation Matrix |
Generates a histogram plot |
Converts birth measurements to intergrowth z-scores/centiles |
Checks if a server-side vector is empty |
Checks if a server-side object is valid |
Calculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable |
Gets the length of an object in the server-side |
Produces levels attributes of a server-side factor |
Represents follow-up in multiple states on multiple time scales |
Constructs a list of objects in the server-side |
Lists client-side functions |
Lists disclosure settings |
Lists server-side functions |
Fits Linear Mixed-Effect model via Study-Level Meta-Analysis |
Computes logarithms in the server-side |
Performs direct call to a server-side aggregate function |
lists all objects on a server-side environment |
Basis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful coefficients |
Calculates a new object in the server-side |
Creates a matrix on the server-side |
Calculates de determinant of a matrix in the server-side |
Returns matrix determinant to the client-side |
Calculates matrix diagonals in the server-side |
Specifies the dimnames of the server-side matrix |
Inverts a server-side square matrix |
Calculates tow matrix multiplication in the server-side |
Transposes a server-side matrix |
Computes server-side vector statistical mean |
Computes the mean and standard deviation across categories |
Computes the mean and standard deviation across groups defined by one factor |
Merges two data frames in the server-side |
Returns server-side messages to the client-side |
Gets the metadata associated with a variable held on the server |
Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations |
Return the names of a list object |
Generate a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines |
Gets the number of missing values in a server-side vector |
Basis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful coefficients |
Computes the quantiles of a server-side variable |
Generates Binomial distribution in the server-side |
Generates Normal distribution in the server-side |
Generates Poisson distribution in the server-side |
Generates Uniform distribution in the server-side |
Secure ranking of a vector across all sources |
Combines R objects by rows in the server-side |
Reshapes server-side grouped data |
Recodes the levels of a server-side factor vector |
Recodes server-side variable values |
Creates a repetitive sequence in the server-side |
Replaces the missing values in a server-side vector |
Deletes server-side R objects |
Computes rows and columns sums and means in the server-side |
Performs random sampling and permuting of vectors, dataframes and matrices |
Generates non-disclosive scatter plots |
Generates a sequence in the server-side |
Server-side random number generation |
Calculates the skewness of a server-side numeric variable |
Computes the square root values of a variable |
Generates a valid subset of a table or a vector |
Generates valid subset(s) of a data frame or a factor |
Generates the summary of a server-side object |
Generates 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional contingency tables with option of assigning to serverside only and producing chi-squared statistics |
Generates 1-dimensional contingency tables |
Generates 2-dimensional contingency tables |
Applies a Function Over a Server-Side Ragged Array |
Applies a Function Over a Ragged Array on the server-side |
Checks if an R object exists on the server-side |
Flattens Server-Side Lists |
Perform 'unique' on a variable on the server-side |
Computes server-side vector variance |
Performs a mathematical operation on two or more vectors |