The function ds.table2D is a client-side wrapper function. It calls the server-side function 'table2DDS' that generates a 2-dimensional contingency table for each data source.

  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  type = "both",
  warningMessage = TRUE,
  datasources = NULL



a character, the name of a numerical vector with discrete values - usually a factor.


a character, the name of a numerical vector with discrete values - usually a factor.


a character which represent the type of table to ouput: pooled table or one table for each data source or both. If type is set to 'combine', a pooled 2-dimensional table is returned; If type is set to 'split' a 2-dimensional table is returned for each data source. If type is set to 'both' (default) a pooled 2-dimensional table plus a 2-dimensional table for each data source are returned.


a boolean, if set to TRUE (deafult) a warning is displayed if any returned table is invalid. Warning messages are suppressed if this parameter is set to FALSE. However the analyst can still view 'validity' information which are stored in the output object 'validity' - see the list of output objects.


a list of DSConnection-class objects obtained after login. If the <datasources> the default set of connections will be used: see datashield.connections_default.


A list object containing the following items:


table(s) that hold column percentages for each level/category. Inner cells are reported as missing if one or more cells are 'invalid'.


table(s) that hold row percentages for each level/category. Inner cells are reported as missing if one or more cells are 'invalid'.


Chi-squared test for homogeneity.


table(s) that hold counts for each level/category. If some cell counts are invalid (see 'Details' section) only the total (outer) cell counts are displayed in the returned individual study tables or in the pooled table.


a text that informs the analyst about the validity of the output tables. If any tables are invalid the studies they are originated from are also mentioned in the text message.


The table returned by the server side function might be valid (non disclosive - no table cell have counts between 1 and the minimal number agreed by the data owner and set in the data repository as the "") or invalid (potentially disclosive - one or more table cells have a count between 1 and the minimal number agreed by the data owner). If a 2-dimensional table is invalid all the cells are set to NA except the total counts. In this way, it is possible to combine total counts across all the data sources but it is not possible to identify the cell(s) that had the small counts which render the table invalid.

See also

ds.table1D for the tabulating one vector.


Amadou Gaye, Paul Burton, Demetris Avraam, for DataSHIELD Development Team
