This function takes specified values of elements in a vector and converts them to a matched set of alternative specified values.

ds.recodeValues( = NULL,
  values2replace.vector = NULL,
  new.values.vector = NULL,
  missing = NULL,
  newobj = NULL,
  datasources = NULL,
  notify.of.progress = FALSE


a character string providing the name of the variable to be recoded.


a numeric or character vector specifying the values in the variable to be replaced.


a numeric or character vector specifying the new values.


If supplied, any missing values in will be replaced by this value. Must be of length 1. If the analyst want to recode only missing values then it should also specify an identical vector of values in both arguments values2replace.vector and new.values.vector. Otherwise please look the ds.replaceNA function.


a character string that provides the name for the output object that is stored on the data servers. Default recodevalues.newobj.


a list of DSConnection-class objects obtained after login. If the datasources argument is not specified the default set of connections will be used: see datashield.connections_default.


logical. If TRUE console output should be produced to indicate progress. Default FALSE.


Assigns to each server a new variable with the recoded values. Also, two validity messages are returned to the client-side indicating whether the new object has been created in each data source and if so whether it is in a valid form.


This function recodes individual values with new individual values. This can apply to numeric and character values, factor levels and NAs. One particular use of ds.recodeValues is to convert NAs to an explicit value. This value is specified in the argument missing. If tthe user want to recode only missing values, then it should also specify an identical vector of values in both arguments values2replace.vector and new.values.vector (see Example 2 below). Server function called: recodeValuesDS


DataSHIELD Development Team
