ds.asFactorSimple calls the assign function asFactorSimpleDS and thereby coerces a numeric or character vector into a factor

  input.var.name = NULL,
  newobj.name = NULL,
  datasources = NULL



a character string which provides the name of the variable to be converted to a factor.


a character string that provides the name for the output variable that is stored on the data servers. Default asfactor.newobj.


a list of DSConnection-class objects obtained after login. If the datasources argument is not specified the default set of connections will be used: see datashield.connections_default.


an output vector of class factor to the serverside. In addition, returns a validity message with the name of the created object on the client-side and if creation fails an error message which can be viewed using datashield.errors().


The function converts the input variable into a factor. Unlike ds.asFactor and its serverside functions, ds.asFactorSimple does no more than coerce the class of a variable to make it a factor on the serverside in each data source. It does not check for or enforce consistency of factor levels across sources or allow you to force an arbitrary set of levels unless those levels actually exist in the sources. Furthermore, it does not allow you to create an array of binary dummy variables that is equivalent to a factor. If you need to do any of these things you will have to use the ds.asFactor function.


DataSHIELD Development Team