All functions |
BooleDS |
Computes the absolute values of the input variable |
Coerces an R object into class character |
asDataMatrixDS a serverside assign function called by ds.asDataMatrix |
Determines the levels of the input variable in each single study |
Converts a numeric vector into a factor |
Converts a numeric vector into a factor |
Coerces an R object into class integer |
asListDS a serverside aggregate function called by ds.asList |
Coerces an R object into class numeric |
Coerces an R object into a matrix |
Coerces an R object into class numeric |
aucDS an aggregate function called by ds.auc |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Create the identity stats and necessary data to draw a plot on the client |
Arrange data frame to pass it to the boxplot function |
Arrange vector to pass it to the boxplot function |
Calculates Blood pressure z-scores |
Concatenates objects into a vector or list |
cbindDS called by ds.cbind |
Changes a reference level of a factor |
Checks if a numeric variable has negative values |
checkPermissivePrivacyControlLevel |
Returns the class of an object |
Returns the column names of a data frame or matrix |
completeCasesDS: an assign function called by ds.completeCases |
Computes the sum of each variable and the sum of products for each pair of variables |
Tests for correlation between paired samples |
Computes the sum of each variable and the sum of products for each pair of variables |
dataFrameDS called by ds.dataFrame |
dataFrameFillDS |
Sorting and reordering data frames, vectors or matrices |
dataFrameSubsetDS1 an aggregate function called by ds.dataFrameSubset |
dataFrameSubsetDS2 an assign function called by ds.dataFrameSubset |
Generates a density grid with or without a priori defined limits |
Returns the dimension of a data frame or matrix |
Copy a clientside data.frame, matrix or tibble (DMT) to the serverside. |
Basis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful coefficients |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources and use of these ranks to estimate global quantiles across all studies |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources and use of these ranks to estimate global quantiles across all studies |
gamlssDS an aggregate function called by ds.galmss |
Computes the WHO Growth Reference z-scores of anthropometric data |
glmDS1 called by ds.glm |
glmDS2 called by ds.glm |
predict regression responses from a glm object |
predict regression responses from a glm object |
Fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study Level Meta-Analysis (SLMA) |
Fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study Level Meta-Analysis (SLMA) |
Fit a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with pooling via Study Level Meta-Analysis (SLMA) |
summarize a glm object on the serverside |
summarize a glm object on the serverside |
Fitting generalized linear mixed effect models - serverside function |
Fitting generalized linear mixed effect models - serverside function |
Calculates the coordinates of the centroid of each n nearest neighbours |
Heterogeneous Correlation Matrix |
returns the minimum and the maximum of the input numeric vector |
Computes a histogram of the input variable without plotting. |
Converts birth measurements to intergrowth z-scores/centiles |
Checks if a vector is empty |
Checks if an input is valid |
Calculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable |
Calculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable |
Returns the length of a vector or list |
Returns the levels of a factor vector |
lexisDS1 |
lexisDS2 |
@title lexisDS3 |
Coerce objects into a list |
listDisclosureSettingsDS |
Fitting linear mixed effect models - serverside function |
Fitting linear mixed effect models - serverside function |
lists all objects on a serverside environment |
Basis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful coefficients |
matrixDS assign function called by ds.matrix |
matrixDetDS aggregate function called by |
matrixDetDS assign function called by ds.matrixDet |
matrixDiagDS assign function called by ds.matrixDiag |
matrixDimnamesDS assign function called by ds.matrixDimnames |
matrixInvertDS serverside assign function called by ds.matrixInvert |
matrixMultDS serverside assign function called by ds.matrixMult |
matrixTransposeDS serverside assign function called by ds.matrixTranspose |
Computes statistical mean of a vectores |
MeanSdGpDS |
mergeDS (assign function) called by ds.merge |
messageDS |
Returns the metadata, if any, about the specified variable |
Aggregate function called by ds.mice |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Return the names of a list object |
Generate a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines |
Counts the number of missing values |
Basis for a piecewise linear spline with meaningful coefficients |
Generates quantiles and mean information without maximum and minimum |
rBinomDS serverside assign function |
rNormDS serverside assign function |
rPoisDS serverside assign function |
rUnifDS serverside assign function |
returns the minimum and maximum of a numeric vector |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources |
rbindDS called by ds.rbind |
reShapeDS (assign function) called by ds.reShape |
Recodes the levels of a categorical variables |
recodeValuesDS an assign function called by ds.recodeValues |
repDS called by ds.rep |
Replaces the missing values in a vector |
rmDS an aggregate function called by ds.rm |
Computes sums and means of rows or columns of numeric arrays |
random sampling and permuting of vectors, dataframes and matrices |
Calculates the coordinates of the data to be plot |
seqDS a serverside assign function called by ds.seq |
setSeedDs called by ds.setSeed, ds.rNorm, ds.rUnif, ds.rPois and ds.rBinom |
Calculates the skewness of a numeric variable |
Calculates the skewness of a numeric variable |
Computes the square root values of the input variable |
Breaks down a dataframe or a factor into its sub-classes |
Generates a valid subset of a table or a vector |
Creates 1-dimensional contingency tables |
table2DDS (aggregate function) called by ds.table2D |
tableDS is the first of two serverside aggregate functions called by ds.table |
tableDS.assign is the serverside assign function called by ds.table |
tableDS is the second of two serverside aggregate functions called by ds.table |
tapplyDS called by ds.tapply |
tapplyDS.assign called by ds.tapply.assign |
testObjExistsDS |
Applies the |
Computes the variance of vector |
Creates a vector on the server-side. |