Load the provided datasets and the corresponding logindata object, instanciate a new DSLiteServer hosting these datasets, verifies that the required DataSHIELD server-side packages are installed. All the data structures are loaded by data which supports various formats (see data() documentation).
packages = c(),
pkgs = NULL,
dslite.server = NULL,
env = parent.frame()
DataSHIELD server-side packages which local installation must be verified so that the DSLiteServer can auto-configure itself and can execute the DataSHIELD operations. Default is none.
Names of the datasets to be loaded using data.
Name of the login data object to be loaded using data.
The package(s) to look in for datasets, default is all, then the 'data' subdirectory (if present) of the current working directory (same behavior as 'package' argument in data).
Symbol name to which the DSLiteServer should be assigned to. If not provided, the symbol name will be the first not null one specified in the 'url' column of the loaded login data.
The environment where DataSHIELD objects should be looked for: the DSLiteServer and the DSIConnection objects. Default is the Global environment.
The login data for the datashield.login function.
Other setup functions:
logindata <- setupDSLiteServer(
datasets = c("CNSIM1", "CNSIM2", "CNSIM3"),
logindata = "logindata.dslite.cnsim", pkgs = "DSLite",
dslite.server = "dslite.server")
conns <- datashield.login(logindata, assign=TRUE)
# do DataSHIELD analysis
#> Logging into the collaborating servers
#> No variables have been specified.
#> All the variables in the table
#> (the whole dataset) will be assigned to R!
#> Assigning table data...