Test type | Number of tests | Number of passes | Time taken (s) |
_ | 1 | 1 | 0 |
arg | 299 | 299 | 121 |
datachk | 1756 | 1756 | 31 |
disc | 161 | 161 | 18 |
expt | 325 | 325 | 61 |
expt_dgr | 766 | 766 | 96 |
math | 232 | 232 | 36 |
math_dgr | 17 | 17 | 5 |
smk | 5712 | 5712 | 308 |
smk_dgr | 61 | 61 | 4 |
smk_expt | 33 | 33 | 5 |
Total | 9363 | 9363 | 690 |
branch | armadillo-integration |
R | R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out" |
opal | |
os | Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS |
Function name ↑↓ | Coverage ↑↓ | Test file links | Pass rate | Test run time (s) | arg ↑↓ | disc ↑↓ | expt ↑↓ | expt_dgr ↑↓ | math ↑↓ | math_dgr ↑↓ | smk ↑↓ | smk_dgr ↑↓ | smk_expt ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | disc ↑↓ | expt ↑↓ | expt_dgr ↑↓ | math ↑↓ | math_dgr ↑↓ | smk ↑↓ | smk_dgr ↑↓ | smk_expt ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | disc ↑↓ | expt ↑↓ | expt_dgr ↑↓ | math ↑↓ | math_dgr ↑↓ | smk ↑↓ | smk_dgr ↑↓ | smk_expt ↑↓ |
ds.Boole | 71.6 | link | link | 5/5 | 9/9 | 1.3test errors: 1.3 | 2.1setup: 1.55 ---------- Main: 0.511 ---------- shutdown: 0.037 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.abs | 77.8 | link | 16/16 | 1.9setup: 1.571 ---------- Main: 0.239 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asCharacter | 70.6 | link | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 9/9 | 1.9test errors: 1.861 | 1.8setup: 1.612 ---------- simple test: 0.122 ---------- stutdown: 0.041 ---------- done: 0 | 1.5setup: 1.316 ---------- simple test: 0.118 ---------- stutdown: 0.075 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.asDataMatrix | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.4test errors: 1.439 | 1.8setup: 1.588 ---------- simple test: 0.162 ---------- shutdown: 0.053 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asFactor | 77.8 | link | link | 3/3 | 37/37 | 1.4test errors: 1.422 | 3.7setup: 1.666 ---------- force.factor.levels: 1.578 ---------- fixed.dummy.vars: 0.401 ---------- shutdown: 0.038 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asInteger | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.3test errors: 1.275 | 1.8setup: 1.563 ---------- simple test: 0.167 ---------- stutdown: 0.039 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asList | 100.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 16/16 | 1.2test errors: 1.229 | 1.8setup: 1.586 ---------- simple test: 0.221 ---------- shutdown: 0.04 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asLogical | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.3test errors: 1.304 | 1.8setup: 1.573 ---------- simple test: 0.165 ---------- shutdown: 0.039 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asMatrix | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.3test errors: 1.269 | 1.7setup: 1.548 ---------- simple test: 0.118 ---------- shutdown: 0.037 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.asNumeric | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.2test errors: 1.218 | 1.7setup: 1.541 ---------- simple test: 0.12 ---------- shutdown: 0.038 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.assign | 87.5 | link | link | 1/1 | 7/7 | 1.2test errors: 1.159 | 1.7setup: 1.577 ---------- Main: 0.088 ---------- shutdown: 0.048 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.boxPlot | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.boxPlotGG | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.boxPlotGG_data_Treatment | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.boxPlotGG_data_Treatment_numeric | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.boxPlotGG_numeric | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.boxPlotGG_table | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.c | 94.4 | link | link | 1/1 | 7/7 | 1.1test errors: 1.075 | 1.7setup: 1.553 ---------- Main: 0.154 ---------- shutdown: 0.039 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.cbind | 78.0 | link | link | 2/2 | 142/142 | 2.1test errors: 2.138 | 6.7setup: 1.541 ---------- from dataframe variables: 0.486 ---------- from root variables: 0.961 ---------- from dataframe variables, DataSHIELD.check=TRUE: 1.696 ---------- from root variables, DataSHIELD.check=TRUE: 1.96 ---------- shutdown: 0.07 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.changeRefGroup | 91.7 | link | link | 3/3 | 37/37 | 1.8test errors: 1.797 | 2.1setup: 1.557 ---------- Main: 0.508 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.class | 100.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 20/20 | 1.2test errors: 1.155 | 1.8setup: 1.566 ---------- Main: 0.138 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.colnames | 90.9 | link | link | 1/1 | 16/16 | 1.3test errors: 1.255 | 1.9setup: 1.528 ---------- Main: 0.291 ---------- shutdown: 0.051 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.completeCases | 69.2 | link | link | 1/1 | 93/93 | 1.2test errors: 1.186 | 3.4setup: 1.575 ---------- data.frame: 0.877 ---------- matrix: 0.458 ---------- vector: 0.476 ---------- shutdown: 0.038 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.contourPlot | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.cor | 97.2 | link | link | link | 3/3 | 39/39 | 62/62 | 2.2test errors: 2.234 | 3.7setup: 1.548 ---------- Main: 2.107 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | 2.6setup: 1.537 ---------- Main: 1.047 ---------- setup: 0.049 ---------- setup: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.corTest | 94.7 | link | link | 2/2 | 34/34 | 1.2Main: 1.169 | 1.8setup: 1.556 ---------- Main: 0.195 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.cov | 96.2 | link | link | link | 3/3 | 39/39 | 34/34 | 2.2test errors: 2.162 | 3.5setup: 1.534 ---------- Main: 1.922 ---------- shutdown: 0.048 ---------- done: 0 | 2.1setup: 1.561 ---------- Main: 0.454 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.dataFrame | 78.0 | link | link | link | 2/2 | 172/172 | 96/96 | 1.9test errors: 1.882 | 23.7setup: 0 ---------- one_column: 2.415 ---------- several_columns: 1.315 ---------- one_column: 4.414 ---------- several_columns: 2.325 ---------- one_column_from_objects: 2.055 ---------- object: 4.489 ---------- several_objects: 2.225 ---------- non_numeric: 2.911 ---------- non_numeric: 1.518 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 4.7setup: 1.563 ---------- create a dataframe, from root variables: 0.578 ---------- create a dataframe, with DataSHIELD.checks, from root variables: 1.116 ---------- create a dataframe, from dataframe variables: 0.355 ---------- create a dataframe, with DataSHIELD.checks, from dataframe variables: 1 ---------- shutdown: 0.082 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.dataFrameFill | 79.7 | link | link | 3/3 | 52/52 | 1.8test errors: 1.772 | 4.1setup: 1.544 ---------- donothing dataframes: 0.261 ---------- shutdown: 0.053 ---------- done: 0 ---------- setup: 1.539 ---------- extend unfilled dataframes: 0.655 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.dataFrameSort | 62.8 | link | link | 392/392 | 16/16 | 35.0setup: 0 ---------- multiple: 0 ---------- single: 0 ---------- multiple: 8.998 ---------- single: 1.244 ---------- multiple: 5.88 ---------- single: 2.579 ---------- multiple: 5.732 ---------- single: 2.445 ---------- multiple: 5.67 ---------- single: 2.417 ---------- multiple: 0.004 ---------- single: 0.015 ---------- multiple: 0.005 ---------- single: 0.006 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 1.9setup: 1.53 ---------- create a sorted dataframe: 0.313 ---------- shutdown: 0.051 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.dataFrameSubset | 58.6 | link | link | link | 7/7 | 374/374 | 52/52 | 1.7setup: 1.566 ---------- test errors: 0.008 ---------- shutdown: 0.082 ---------- done: 0 | 61.9setup: 0 ---------- multiple: 4.142 ---------- single: 1.557 ---------- multiple: 4.157 ---------- single: 2 ---------- multiple: 8.118 ---------- single: 2.514 ---------- multiple: 12.386 ---------- single: 2.836 ---------- multiple: 12.117 ---------- single: 2.782 ---------- multiple: 7.178 ---------- multiple: 2.146 | 3.8setup: 1.565 ---------- create a subset dataframe: 1.108 ---------- create a subset dataframe, based on scalar: 1.086 ---------- shutdown: 0.041 ---------- down: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.densityGrid | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.dim | 97.4 | link | link | 3/3 | 33/33 | 1.7test errors: 1.653 | 1.8setup: 1.58 ---------- Main: 0.057 ---------- Main: 0.048 ---------- Main: 0.043 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.exists | 100.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 27/27 | 1.1test errors: 1.063 | 1.8setup: 1.577 ---------- Main: 0.046 ---------- Main: 0.046 ---------- Main: 0.126 ---------- shutdown: 0.041 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.exp | 88.9 | link | link | 1/1 | 36/36 | 1.2test errors: 1.195 | 2.3setup: 1.573 ---------- Main: 0.659 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.getWGSR | 60.3 | link | 27/27 | 3.8setup: 1.569 ---------- Main: 2.23 ---------- shutdown: 0.05 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.glm | 61.8 | link | 2/2 | 141/141 | 1.5test errors: 1.469 | 10.1binomial: 1.566 ---------- binomial: 1.163 ---------- binomial, with check: 1.349 ---------- binomial: 0.041 ---------- binomial: 0 ---------- gaussian: 1.553 ---------- gaussian: 0.27 ---------- gaussian, with check: 0.543 ---------- gaussian: 0.044 ---------- gaussian: 0 ---------- poisson: 1.595 ---------- poisson: 0.892 ---------- poisson, with check: 1.042 ---------- poisson: 0.042 ---------- poisson: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.glmPredict | 71.7 | 774/774 | 13.1binomial: 1.592 ---------- binomial: 2.629 ---------- binomial: 0.049 ---------- binomial: 0 ---------- gaussian: 1.62 ---------- gaussian: 2.494 ---------- gaussian: 0.047 ---------- gaussian: 0 ---------- poisson: 1.562 ---------- poisson: 3.029 ---------- poisson: 0.047 ---------- poisson: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.glmSLMA | 77.9 | link | link | 1/1 | 140/140 | 1.2test errors: 1.187 | 3.7setup: 1.615 ---------- gaussian: 0.325 ---------- binomial: 0.963 ---------- poisson: 0.732 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.glmSummary | 70.6 | link | 98/98 | 4.3setup: 1.797 ---------- gaussian: 0.948 ---------- poisson: 1.531 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.glmerSLMA | 78.7 | link | link | link | 24/24 | 4/4 | 80/80 | 4.5setup: 1.649 ---------- testing: 2.774 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | 6.2setup: 1.332 ---------- int: 4.88 | 38.7setup - phase 1: 1.603 ---------- phase 1: 10.605 ---------- shutdown - phase 1: 0.058 ---------- setup - phase 2: 1.689 ---------- test - phase 2: 24.704 ---------- shutdown - phase 2: 0.041 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.heatmapPlot | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.histogram | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.isNA | 83.3 | link | link | 10/10 | 2.9errors: 1.155 ---------- setup: 1.587 ---------- Main: 0.137 ---------- shutdown: 0.04 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.isValid | 93.8 | link | link | 15/15 | 3.4errors: 1.696 ---------- setup: 1.596 ---------- Main: 0.103 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.kurtosis | 93.4 | link | link | 10/10 | 666/666 | 1.8setup: 1.658 ---------- test errors: 0.112 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | 8.6setup: 1.598 ---------- method 1: 0.611 ---------- method 1: 0.671 ---------- method 1: 1.046 ---------- method 2: 0.58 ---------- method 2: 0.749 ---------- method 2: 1.024 ---------- method 3: 0.592 ---------- method 3: 0.675 ---------- method 3: 0.999 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.length | 97.4 | link | link | 5/5 | 28/28 | 1.9test errors: 1.87 | 2.2setup: 1.699 ---------- Main: 0.412 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.levels | 93.8 | link | link | link | 2/2 | 7/7 | 28/28 | 1.7Main: 1.672 | 1.6setup: 1.58 ---------- Main: 0.006 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | 1.7setup: 1.568 ---------- Main: 0.128 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.lexis | 85.7 | link | link | 1/1 | 20/20 | 1.1test errors: 1.052 | 2.0setup: 1.586 ---------- Main: 0.362 ---------- shutdown: 0.052 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.list | 85.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 34/34 | 1.1test errors: 1.15 | 2.0setup: 1.584 ---------- Main: 0.406 ---------- shutdown: 0.041 ---------- down: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.listClientsideFunctions | 86.0 | link | link | 104/104 | 15/15 | 1.8setup: 1.574 ---------- check results: 0.211 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | 1.6setup: 1.517 ---------- check results: 0.019 ---------- shutdown: 0.036 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.listDisclosureSettings | 100.0 | link | 37/37 | 1.8setup: 1.644 ---------- check results: 0.087 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- down: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.listOpals | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.listServersideFunctions | 100.0 | link | link | 394/394 | 37/37 | 3.0check results: 3.006 | 1.7setup: 1.514 ---------- check results: 0.107 ---------- shtudown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.lmerSLMA | 81.4 | link | link | link | 23/23 | 4/4 | 77/77 | 4.6setup: 1.632 ---------- Main: 2.888 ---------- shutdown: 0.049 ---------- done: 0 | 4.1shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 ---------- setup: 1.598 ---------- int: 2.495 ---------- done: 0 | 14.5setup phase 1: 1.596 ---------- phase 1: 5.857 ---------- shutdown phase 1: 0.052 ---------- setup phase 2: 1.994 ---------- test phase 2: 4.995 ---------- shutdown phase 2: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.log | 84.2 | link | link | 1/1 | 36/36 | 1.1test errors: 1.098 | 2.3setup: 1.64 ---------- Main: 0.659 ---------- shutdown: 0.05 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.look | 100.0 | link | link | 2/2 | 11/11 | 1.2test errors: 1.161 | 1.7setup: 1.586 ---------- Main: 0.048 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.ls | 100.0 | link | link | 12/12 | 59/59 | 1.7setup: 1.629 ---------- Main: 0.013 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | 1.9setup: 1.585 ---------- Main: 0.25 ---------- shutdown: 0.051 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.make | 68.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.1test errors: 1.093 | 1.8setup: 1.634 ---------- Main: 0.122 ---------- shutdown: 0.041 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrix | 67.7 | link | link | 1/1 | 13/13 | 1.1test errors: 1.147 | 1.9setup: 1.648 ---------- Main: 0.196 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixDet | 70.9 | link | link | 1/1 | 13/13 | 1.3test errors: 1.252 | 2.1setup: 1.604 ---------- Main: 0.418 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixDet.report | 100.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 20/20 | 1.2test errors: 1.196 | 1.9setup: 1.631 ---------- Main: 0.188 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixDiag | 68.8 | link | link | 2/2 | 20/20 | 1.1test errors: 1.12 | 2.1setup: 1.608 ---------- Main: 0.249 ---------- Main: 0.203 ---------- shutdown: 0.047 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixDimnames | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 13/13 | 1.1test errors: 1.14 | 2.0setup: 1.63 ---------- Main: 0.358 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixInvert | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 13/13 | 1.1test errors: 1.137 | 2.1setup: 1.62 ---------- Main: 0.387 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixMult | 69.8 | link | link | 1/1 | 13/13 | 1.1test errors: 1.124 | 2.2setup: 1.68 ---------- Main: 0.488 ---------- shutdown: 0.047 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.matrixTranspose | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 13/13 | 1.1test errors: 1.127 | 2.1setup: 1.691 ---------- Main: 0.371 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.mean | 98.2 | link | link | link | link | link | link | 3/3 | 1/1 | 56/56 | 96/96 | 186/186 | 33/33 | 1.9test errors: 1.858 | 1.2type=both: 1.16 | 11.1combine: 2.606 ---------- split: 2.32 ---------- single: 1.328 ---------- large_values: 1.592 ---------- large_values: 3.269 | 17.4residual: 3.032 ---------- residual: 3.018 ---------- location_parameter: 1.857 ---------- location_parameter: 3.782 ---------- scale: 3.909 ---------- scale: 1.85 | 3.7setup: 1.607 ---------- type=combine: 0.22 ---------- type=split: 0.237 ---------- type=both: 0.252 ---------- type=combine,save.mean.Nvalid=TRUE: 0.473 ---------- type=split,save.mean.Nvalid=TRUE: 0.476 ---------- type=both,save.mean.Nvalid=TRUE: 0.367 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | 5.2type=combine: 1.604 ---------- type=split: 0.046 ---------- type=both: 0.05 ---------- type=combine: 0.045 ---------- type=split: 0.044 ---------- type=both: 0.056 ---------- type=combine: 0.046 ---------- type=split: 0.047 ---------- type=both: 0.045 ---------- type=combine: 0.045 ---------- type=split: 0.05 ---------- type=both: 0.055 ---------- type=combine: 0.047 ---------- type=split: 0.047 ---------- type=both: 0.045 ---------- type=combine: 0.16 ---------- type=split: 0.167 ---------- type=both: 0.156 ---------- type=combine: 0.168 ---------- type=split: 0.167 ---------- type=both: 0.16 ---------- type=combine: 0.163 ---------- type=split: 0.152 ---------- type=both: 0.164 ---------- type=combine: 0.154 ---------- type=split: 0.153 ---------- type=both: 0.165 ---------- type=combine: 0.153 ---------- type=split: 0.164 ---------- type=both: 0.159 ---------- type=combine: 0.159 ---------- type=split: 0.165 ---------- type=both: 0.167 | |||||||||
ds.meanByClass | 95.8 | link | link | link | 8/8 | 1/1 | 55/55 | 2.4test errors: 2.409 | 1.1setup: 0 ---------- test errors: 1.085 ---------- teardown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 5.3setup: 1.676 ---------- LAB_TSC across PM_BMI_CATEGORICAL categories where both vectors are 'loose': 1.048 ---------- calculate the mean proportion for LAB_HDL across PM_BMI_CATEGORICAL categories: 0.809 ---------- calculate the mean proportion for LAB_HDL & LAB_TSC across bmi categories: 0.924 ---------- calculate the mean proportion for LAB_HDL across PM_BMI_CATEGORICAL categories, split: 0.834 ---------- shutdown: 0.047 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.meanSdGp | 89.4 | link | link | 1/1 | 30/30 | 1.1test errors: 1.072 | 2.0setup: 1.639 ---------- type=split: 0.224 ---------- type=combine: 0.051 ---------- type=both: 0.05 ---------- shutdown: 0.047 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.merge | 75.4 | link | link | 5/5 | 13/13 | 1.2test errors: 1.208 | 3.5setup: 1.591 ---------- Main: 1.886 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.message | 100.0 | link | link | 2/2 | 26/26 | 1.2Main: 1.151 | 2.3setup: 1.654 ---------- Main: 0.618 ---------- shutdown: 0.07 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.names | 100.0 | link | link | 7/7 | 16/16 | 1.6test errors: 1.638 | 1.9setup: 1.586 ---------- Main: 0.257 ---------- shutdown: 0.054 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.numNA | 90.9 | link | link | 1/1 | 18/18 | 1.0test errors: 1.019 | 1.9setup: 1.614 ---------- Main: 0.21 ---------- shutdown: 0.05 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.quantileMean | 100.0 | link | link | 3/3 | 43/43 | 2.0test errors: 1.975 | 2.1setup: 1.619 ---------- standard: 0.167 ---------- split: 0.279 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rBinom | 67.6 | link | link | 2/2 | 17/17 | 1.1test errors: 1.124 | 1.9setup: 1.556 ---------- simple test: 0.277 ---------- shutdown: 0.051 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rNorm | 66.3 | link | link | 2/2 | 17/17 | 1.1test errors: 1.09 | 1.9setup: 1.601 ---------- simple test: 0.279 ---------- shutdown: 0.048 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rPois | 67.3 | link | link | 2/2 | 17/17 | 1.0test errors: 1.027 | 2.0setup: 1.648 ---------- simple test: 0.278 ---------- shutdown: 0.052 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rUnif | 66.0 | link | link | 2/2 | 17/17 | 1.2test errors: 1.155 | 2.0setup: 1.641 ---------- simple test: 0.276 ---------- shutdown: 0.053 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rbind | 66.4 | link | link | 1/1 | 11/11 | 1.0test errors: 1.035 | 2.1setup: 1.593 ---------- Main: 0.431 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.reShape | 70.0 | link | link | 4/4 | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.2test errors: 1.239 | 0.6multiple: 0.584 | 2.1setup: 1.648 ---------- Main: 0.444 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||
ds.recodeLevels | 97.0 | link | link | 8/8 | 20/20 | 1.8test errors: 1.819 | 2.2setup: 1.622 ---------- Main: 0.27 ---------- no connections or newobj: 0.286 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.recodeValues | 70.6 | link | link | 6/6 | 13/13 | 1.2test errors: 1.195 | 2.0setup: 1.589 ---------- Main: 0.402 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rep | 69.0 | link | link | 1/1 | 21/21 | 1.1setup: 0 ---------- test errors: 1.135 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 3.8complex setup: 1.613 ---------- complex: 0.364 ---------- complex shutdown: 0.043 ---------- complex done: 0 ---------- setup: 1.583 ---------- Main: 0.129 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.replaceNA | 82.1 | link | link | 2/2 | 9/9 | 1.1test errors: 1.137 | 2.3setup: 1.633 ---------- Main: 0.624 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.rm | 100.0 | link | link | link | 1/1 | 31/31 | 20/20 | 1.2test errors: 1.164 | 1.8Main: 1.833 | 1.9setup: 1.576 ---------- Main: 0.285 ---------- shutdown: 0.066 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.rowColCalc | 91.9 | link | link | 3/3 | 14/14 | 2.0test errors: 1.998 | 2.2setup: 1.582 ---------- Main: 0.313 ---------- no newobj: 0.296 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.sample | 79.3 | link | link | link | 3/3 | 35/35 | 77/77 | 1.2setup: 0 ---------- test errors: 1.156 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 2.6setup: 0 ---------- test disclosure: 2.599 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 2.5setup: 1.606 ---------- test: 0.715 ---------- test error: 0.171 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.scatterPlot | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.seq | 72.9 | link | link | 1/1 | 12/12 | 1.1test errors: 1.148 | 2.0setup: 1.612 ---------- Main: 0.319 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.setDefaultOpals | 0.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.setSeed | 87.5 | link | link | 1/1 | 15/15 | 1.1test errors: 1.106 | 1.7setup: 1.601 ---------- Main: 0.07 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.skewness | 93.4 | link | link | link | link | 10/10 | 40/40 | 17/17 | 666/666 | 1.8setup: 1.607 ---------- test errors: 0.112 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | 6.2combine: 2.49 ---------- split: 2.281 ---------- single: 1.394 | 5.2mean.median.mode: 2.647 ---------- Q1.Q2.Q3: 2.583 | 8.6setup: 1.605 ---------- method 1: 0.577 ---------- method 1: 0.675 ---------- method 1: 1.015 ---------- method 2: 0.585 ---------- method 2: 0.747 ---------- method 2: 1.036 ---------- method 3: 0.597 ---------- method 3: 0.658 ---------- method 3: 1.008 ---------- shutdown: 0.049 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||
ds.sqrt | 77.8 | link | 16/16 | 1.9setup: 1.634 ---------- Main: 0.243 ---------- shutdown: 0.057 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ds.subset | 57.8 | link | link | 2/2 | 18/18 | 1.1test errors: 1.053 | 2.3setup: 1.656 ---------- generate a subset of the assigned table (by default the table is named 'D') with the first 50 observations and the two first columns: 0.291 ---------- generate a subset of the assigned table (by default the table is named 'D') with the first 50 observations and the two first columns refered to by their names: 0.184 ---------- generate a subset of the table D with bmi values greater than or equal to 25.: 0.156 ---------- shutdown: 0.055 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.subsetByClass | 58.1 | link | link | 4/4 | 28/28 | 1.6test errors: 1.634 | 2.0setup: 1.597 ---------- Main: 0.401 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.summary | 78.8 | link | link | 1/1 | 49/49 | 1.1test errors: 1.146 | 3.1setup: 1.631 ---------- summary of a numerical variable: 0.334 ---------- summary of a character variable: 0.232 ---------- summary of a factor variable: 0.342 ---------- summary of a list variable: 0.358 ---------- summary of a data frame: 0.161 ---------- teardown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.table | 80.3 | link | link | link | 5/5 | 7/7 | 73/73 | 2.3test rvar has value: 1.058 ---------- test cvar has value: 1.197 ---------- test stvar has value: 0.008 ---------- test stvar has CORRECT value: 0.006 ---------- test force.nfilter has value: 0.006 | 2.3setup: 0 ---------- tests: 2.301 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 4.0setup: 1.874 ---------- dataframe setup: 0.771 ---------- Main: 0.096 ---------- Main: 0.13 ---------- Main: 1.099 ---------- shutdown: 0.047 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
ds.table1D | 84.2 | link | link | 4/4 | 32/32 | 1.8test errors: 1.754 | 2.3setup: 1.629 ---------- generate a one dimensional table, outputting combined contingency tables: 0.123 ---------- generate a one dimensional table, outputting combined contingency tables fail: 0.115 ---------- generate a one dimensional table, outputting combined contingency tables fail split: 0.117 ---------- generate a one dimensional table, outputting study specific contingency tables: 0.1 ---------- generate a one dimensional table, outputting study specific contingency tables for study 1 and 2: 0.08 ---------- generate a one dimensional table, outputting study specific and combined contingency tables: 0.104 ---------- shutdown: 0.059 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.table2D | 82.8 | link | link | 2/2 | 28/28 | 1.1test errors: 1.062 | 2.0setup: 1.617 ---------- Main: 0.332 ---------- shutdown: 0.05 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.tapply | 94.1 | link | link | 8/8 | 82/82 | 1.1test errors: 1.138 | 2.1setup: 1.642 ---------- fun=mean: 0.241 ---------- fun=sd: 0.083 ---------- fun=sum: 0.073 ---------- fun=quantile: 0.056 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.tapply.assign | 72.1 | link | link | 8/8 | 38/38 | 1.1test errors: 1.129 | 2.7setup: 1.587 ---------- fun=mean: 0.595 ---------- fun=sd: 0.166 ---------- fun=sum: 0.167 ---------- fun=quantile: 0.182 ---------- shutdown: 0.052 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.testObjExists | 66.7 | link | link | 1/1 | 72/72 | 1.1test errors: 1.142 | 3.9setup: 1.617 ---------- discordant: 0.143 ---------- shutdown: 0.049 ---------- done: 0 ---------- setup: 1.61 ---------- Main: 0.39 ---------- shutdown: 0.046 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.unList | 70.6 | link | link | 1/1 | 9/9 | 1.1test errors: 1.14 | 2.1setup: 1.635 ---------- simple test: 0.384 ---------- shutdown: 0.058 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
ds.var | 100.0 | link | link | link | link | link | 2/2 | 1/1 | 48/48 | 136/136 | 60/60 | 1.9test errors: 1.932 | 1.1type=both: 1.077 | 9.5multiple: 2.326 ---------- single: 2.395 ---------- large_values: 3.202 ---------- large_values: 1.598 | 19.2positive_result: 3.081 ---------- positive_result: 1.624 ---------- square_root_std: 1.112 ---------- square_root_std: 2.083 ---------- location: 1.859 ---------- location: 3.799 ---------- scale: 1.841 ---------- scale: 3.832 | 1.9setup: 1.63 ---------- split: 0.071 ---------- combine: 0.058 ---------- both: 0.077 ---------- shutdown: 0.059 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||
ds.vectorCalc | 90.0 | link | link | 2/2 | 24/24 | 1.1test errors: 1.078 | 2.0setup: 1.635 ---------- Main: 0.325 ---------- shutdown: 0.049 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
checkClass | 100.0 | link | 39/39 | 3.6discordant: 1.299 ---------- discordant: 0.118 ---------- discordant: 0.038 ---------- discordant: 0 ---------- setup: 1.626 ---------- simple test: 0.481 ---------- shutdown: 0.037 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
colPercent | 100.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
extract | 100.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
getPooledMean | 100.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
getPooledVar | 100.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
glmChecks | 47.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
isAssigned | 71.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
isDefined | 100.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
logical2int | 28.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
meanByClassHelper0a | 88.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
meanByClassHelper0b | 85.7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
meanByClassHelper1 | 84.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
meanByClassHelper2 | 55.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
meanByClassHelper3 | 76.9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
meanByClassHelper4 | 78.6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rowPercent | 100.0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
subsetHelper | 77.8 |
Function name ↑↓ | Test file links | Pass rate | Test run time (s) | _ ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | datachk ↑↓ | _ ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | datachk ↑↓ | _ ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | datachk ↑↓ |
ANTHRO | link | 108/108 | 2.6setup: 1.638 ---------- Main: 0.923 ---------- shutdown: 0.042 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
CLUSTER_INT | link | 236/236 | 3.9setup: 1.595 ---------- Main: 2.24 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
CLUSTER_SLO | link | 236/236 | 4.0setup: 1.691 ---------- Main: 2.234 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
CNSIM | link | 204/204 | 3.5setup: 1.596 ---------- Main: 1.878 ---------- shutdown: 0.047 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
DASIM | 188/188 | 3.3setup: 1.558 ---------- Main: 1.651 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | |||||||
DISCORDANT | link | 76/76 | 2.2setup: 1.554 ---------- Main: 0.623 ---------- shutdown: 0.04 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
FACTOR_LEVELS | link | 188/188 | 3.7setup: 1.973 ---------- Main: 1.714 ---------- shutdown: 0.043 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
SURVIVAL_EXPAND_WITH_MISSING | link | 204/204 | 3.4setup: 1.564 ---------- Main: 1.82 ---------- shutdown: 0.044 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
TESTING | link | 316/316 | 5.1setup: 1.857 ---------- Main: 3.16 ---------- shutdown: 0.054 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
ds.foobar | link | 36/36 | 1.8setup: 1.588 ---------- aggregate: 0.01 ---------- aggregate: 0.02 ---------- aggregate: 0.057 ---------- assign: 0.009 ---------- assign: 0.009 ---------- assign: 0.057 ---------- shutdown: 0.045 ---------- done: 0 | ||||||
vm-test | link | 1/1 | 0.6setup: 0 ---------- tests: 0.638 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 |