Test type | Number of tests | Number of passes | Time taken (s) |
arg | 14 | 14 | 0 |
smk | 2502 | 2502 | 8 |
Total | 2516 | 2516 | 8 |
opal | |
os | Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS |
R | R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out" |
branch | v6.1-dev |
Function name ↑↓ | Coverage ↑↓ | Test file links | Pass rate | Test run time (s) | arg ↑↓ | smk ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | smk ↑↓ | arg ↑↓ | smk ↑↓ |
BooleDS | 74.4 | link | 126/126 | 0.3setup: 0 ---------- simple equal: 0.141 ---------- simple not-equal: 0.026 ---------- simple less-than: 0.024 ---------- simple less-than-equal: 0.024 ---------- simple greater-than: 0.022 ---------- simple greater-than-equal: 0.024 ---------- na-check numeric: 0.037 ---------- na-check logical: 0.037 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
absDS | 100.0 | link | 52/52 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- special: 0.026 ---------- numeric: 0.015 ---------- integer: 0.014 ---------- special vector: 0.01 ---------- numeric vector: 0.013 ---------- integer vector: 0.013 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asCharacterDS | 66.7 | link | 23/23 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.013 ---------- numeric vector: 0.013 ---------- logical: 0.011 ---------- logical vector: 0.011 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asDataMatrixDS | 66.7 | link | 17/17 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.035 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asFactorDS1 | 66.7 | link | 5/5 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.018 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asFactorDS2 | 100.0 | link | 47/47 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.104 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asIntegerDS | 66.7 | link | 20/20 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.017 ---------- numeric vector: 0.013 ---------- character: 0.007 ---------- character vector: 0.012 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asListDS | 81.8 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.022 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asLogicalDS | 100.0 | link | link | 12/12 | 52/52 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- direct input numeric: 0.085 ---------- input NULL: 0.014 ---------- input NA: 0.008 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- integer: 0.021 ---------- integer vector: 0.011 ---------- numeric: 0.012 ---------- numeric vector: 0.011 ---------- character: 0.041 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 |
asMatrixDS | 66.7 | link | 17/17 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.039 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
asNumericDS | 66.7 | link | 10/10 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- character: 0.017 ---------- character vector: 0.012 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
boxPlotGGDS | 0.0 | ||||||
boxPlotGG_data_TreatmentDS | 0.0 | ||||||
boxPlotGG_data_Treatment_numericDS | 0.0 | ||||||
cDS | 62.5 | link | 12/12 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.024 ---------- character: 0.043 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
cbindDS | 76.5 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.026 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
changeRefGroupDS | 100.0 | link | 28/28 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.06 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
checkNegValueDS | 100.0 | link | 12/12 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- with no neg: 0.022 ---------- with neg: 0.011 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
classDS | 100.0 | link | 56/56 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- character: 0.024 ---------- integer: 0.011 ---------- numeric: 0.011 ---------- logical: 0.015 ---------- data.frame: 0.009 ---------- array: 0.008 ---------- matrix: 0.015 ---------- data.matrix: 0.017 ---------- date: 0.008 ---------- formula: 0.008 ---------- environment: 0.009 ---------- NA: 0.008 ---------- NULL: 0.008 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
colnamesDS | 100.0 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- data.frame: 0.023 ---------- data.matrix: 0.01 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
completeCasesDS | 82.9 | link | 79/79 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- vector: 0.086 ---------- data.frame: 0.048 ---------- matrix: 0.022 ---------- data.matrix: 0.048 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
corDS | 64.2 | link | 360/360 | 1.2setup: 0 ---------- pairwise without na: 0.685 ---------- pairwise with na: 0.098 ---------- casewise without na: 0.316 ---------- casewise with na: 0.076 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
corTestDS | 100.0 | link | 116/116 | 0.3setup: 0 ---------- without na: 0.207 ---------- with na: 0.044 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
covDS | 59.6 | link | 87/87 | 0.4setup: 0 ---------- casewise.complete: 0.085 ---------- pairwise.complete: 0.32 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
dataFrameDS | 63.0 | link | 9/9 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.031 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
dataFrameFillDS | 88.0 | link | link | 2/2 | 80/80 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.025 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.202 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 |
dataFrameSortDS | 75.0 | link | 276/276 | 0.9setup: 0 ---------- numeric input: 0.597 ---------- string input: 0.333 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
dataFrameSubsetDS1 | 0.0 | ||||||
dataFrameSubsetDS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
densityGridDS | 0.0 | ||||||
dimDS | 100.0 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.025 ---------- character: 0.01 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
extract | 100.0 | link | 48/48 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.062 ---------- simple vector: 0.06 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
getWGSRDS | 80.0 | link | 60/60 | 0.4setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.382 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
glmDS1 | 0.0 | ||||||
glmDS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
glmPredictDS.ag | 0.0 | ||||||
glmPredictDS.as | 0.0 | ||||||
glmSLMADS.assign | 0.0 | ||||||
glmSLMADS1 | 0.0 | ||||||
glmSLMADS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
glmSummaryDS.ag | 0.0 | ||||||
glmSummaryDS.as | 0.0 | ||||||
glmerSLMADS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
global | |||||||
heatmapPlotDS | 0.0 | ||||||
histogramDS1 | 0.0 | ||||||
histogramDS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
isNaDS | 100.0 | link | 18/18 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- numeric vector: 0.033 ---------- character vector: 0.016 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
isValidDS | 64.7 | link | 54/54 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- character: 0.028 ---------- integer: 0.013 ---------- numeric: 0.013 ---------- logical: 0.023 ---------- data.frame: 0.009 ---------- array: 0.008 ---------- matrix: 0.009 ---------- data.matrix: 0.009 ---------- date: 0.01 ---------- formula: 0.009 ---------- environment: 0.008 ---------- NA: 0.009 ---------- NULL: 0.01 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
kurtosisDS1 | 89.5 | link | 24/24 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- method 1: 0.034 ---------- method 2: 0.053 ---------- method 3: 0.016 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
kurtosisDS2 | 76.9 | link | 10/10 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.033 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
lengthDS | 100.0 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- data.frame: 0.027 ---------- vector: 0.016 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
levelsDS | 81.8 | link | 10/10 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- numeric vector: 0.036 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
lexisDS1 | 0.0 | ||||||
lexisDS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
lexisDS3 | 0.0 | ||||||
listDS | 100.0 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.032 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
listDisclosureSettingsDS | 100.0 | link | 30/30 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.066 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
lmerSLMADS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
lsDS | 82.9 | link | 12/12 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.027 ---------- simple: 0.067 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
matrixDS | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixDetDS1 | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixDetDS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixDiagDS | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixDimnamesDS | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixInvertDS | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixMultDS | 0.0 | ||||||
matrixTransposeDS | 0.0 | ||||||
meanDS | 83.3 | link | 24/24 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.047 ---------- numeric with NA: 0.035 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
meanSdGpDS | 0.0 | ||||||
mergeDS | 0.0 | ||||||
messageDS | 100.0 | link | 19/19 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.093 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
namesDS | 70.6 | link | 8/8 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- list of atoms: 0.028 ---------- list of vectors: 0.032 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
numNaDS | 100.0 | link | 6/6 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.03 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
quantileMeanDS | 87.5 | link | 40/40 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.058 ---------- with NA: 0.045 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rBinomDS | 100.0 | link | 20/20 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.055 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rNormDS | 100.0 | link | 20/20 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.073 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rPoisDS | 100.0 | link | 20/20 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.055 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rUnifDS | 100.0 | link | 20/20 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.071 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rangeDS | 81.8 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- without NAs: 0.033 ---------- with NAs: 0.011 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rbindDS | 100.0 | link | 15/15 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.048 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
reShapeDS | 0.0 | ||||||
recodeLevelsDS | 80.0 | link | 8/8 | 0.0setup: 0.034 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
recodeValuesDS1 | 67.3 | link | 3/3 | 0.0setup: 0.031 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
recodeValuesDS2 | 79.0 | link | 16/16 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.039 ---------- character: 0.093 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
repDS | 0.0 | ||||||
replaceNaDS | 83.3 | link | 10/10 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.041 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rmDS | 60.9 | link | 6/6 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.035 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
rowColCalcDS | 78.6 | link | 24/24 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.086 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
sampleDS | 65.8 | link | 11/11 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.052 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
scatterPlotDS | 0.0 | ||||||
seqDS | 58.0 | link | 41/41 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.164 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
setFilterDS | 100.0 | link | 6/6 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.036 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
setSeedDS | 100.0 | link | 3/3 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.043 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
skewnessDS1 | 89.5 | link | 24/24 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- method 1: 0.039 ---------- method 2: 0.051 ---------- method 3: 0.018 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
skewnessDS2 | 76.9 | link | 10/10 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.042 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
sqrtDS | 100.0 | link | 57/57 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- special: 0.05 ---------- numeric: 0.022 ---------- integer: 0.021 ---------- special vector: 0.021 ---------- numeric vector: 0.024 ---------- integer vector: 0.019 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
subsetByClassDS | 95.5 | link | 24/24 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.07 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
subsetByClassHelper1 | 61.9 | ||||||
subsetByClassHelper2 | 67.7 | ||||||
subsetByClassHelper3 | 63.3 | ||||||
subsetDS | 38.5 | link | 50/50 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- Main: 0.206 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
table1DDS | 0.0 | ||||||
table2DDS | 0.0 | ||||||
tableDS | 0.0 | ||||||
tableDS.assign | 0.0 | ||||||
tableDS2 | 0.0 | ||||||
tapplyDS | 59.4 | link | 78/78 | 0.4setup: 0.417 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
tapplyDS.assign | 27.1 | link | 9/9 | 0.0setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.045 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
testObjExistsDS | 100.0 | link | 80/80 | 0.2setup: 0 ---------- character: 0.054 ---------- integer: 0.019 ---------- numeric: 0.019 ---------- logical: 0.025 ---------- data.frame: 0.013 ---------- array: 0.013 ---------- matrix: 0.015 ---------- data.matrix: 0.016 ---------- date: 0.012 ---------- formula: 0.012 ---------- environment: 0.013 ---------- NA: 0.012 ---------- NULL: 0.013 ---------- not exists: 0.013 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
unListDS | 66.7 | link | 16/16 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- simple: 0.066 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 | |||
varDS | 78.6 | link | 28/28 | 0.1setup: 0 ---------- numeric: 0.056 ---------- numeric with NA: 0.048 ---------- shutdown: 0 ---------- done: 0 |
Function name ↑↓ | Test file links | Pass rate | Test run time (s) |