Connect to a Opal server, with provided credentials. Does not create a DataSHIELD R session, only retrieves user profile.
# S4 method for OpalDriver
restore = NULL,
username = NULL,
password = NULL,
token = NULL,
url = NULL,
opts = list(),
profile = NULL,
class object.
Name of the connection, which must be unique among all the DataSHIELD connections.
Workspace name to be restored in the newly created DataSHIELD R session.
User name in opal(s).
User password in opal(s).
Personal access token (since opal 2.15, ignored if username is specified).
Opal url or list of opal urls. Can be provided by "opal.url" option.
Curl options as described by httr (call httr::httr_options() for details). Can be provided by "opal.opts" option.
The DataSHIELD R server profile (affects the R packages available and the applied configuration). If not provided or not supported, default profile will be applied.
Unused, needed for compatibility with generic.
A OpalConnection-class
if (FALSE) {
con <- dsConnect(DSOpal::Opal(), "server1", "username", "password", "")