This is the second serverside aggregate function called by ds.glm.

glmDS2(formula, family, beta.vect, offset, weights, dataName)



a glm() formula consistent with R syntax eg U~x+y+Z to regress variables U on x, y and Z


a glm() family consistent with R syntax eg "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial"


a numeric vector created by the clientside function specifying the vector of regression coefficients at the current iteration


an optional variable providing a regression offset


an optional variable providing regression weights


an optional character string specifying a data.frame object holding the data to be analysed under the specified model same


It is an aggregate function that uses the model structure and starting beta.vector constructed by glmDS1 to iteratively fit the generalized linear model that has been specified. The function glmDS2 also carries out a series of disclosure checks and if the arguments or data fail any of those tests, model construction is blocked and an appropriate serverside error message is created and returned to ds.glm on the clientside. For more details please see the extensive header for ds.glm.


Paul Burton, for DataSHIELD Development Team